The Information Era
In today's information age, science has a prevalent influence on the thinking of the masses. When in doubt, quote study after relevant study that have been done to back up what you're saying. In other words, if a study has been done on it, and its findings appear in print--and if that print happens to be The New York Times, well, then, what you are saying must be infallibly true! At least, that's what the consensus of popular thought in the modern world might be inclined to say.
Nevertheless, the truth of the matter is that much, if not most, of what you are exposed to in contemporary society contains truth. The challenging thing about it is determining if what is presented is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Unfortunately, publishers of so-called truths, or information and content presented as truth, is often presented in a manner that is incomplete, slanted, or outright false.
A Good Starting Point: Defining Truth
Say, what is truth? To comment on such a word, it is important to define truth. Merriam-Webster defines truth as:
a (1) : the state of being the case : fact (2) : the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
I like this definition, but since I see the world through spiritual eyes, I'd like to add to it:
The state of being in the past, in the present, and how something will be in the future.
The truth is what it is. It changes not. In addition, truth has its demands. And because truth has certain demands, it is not always desired. In fact, sometimes, truth is avoided. But, in the end, the truth always comes out in the wash.
If a person is honest with himself, he is, in a sense, brave enough to embrace who he is--with the good and the bad. And, when it comes to life itself, he is willing to face whatever comes his way.
Living In the Light of Truth
Living in the light of truth about oneself and life can be a challenge, but it is easier in the long run. For, to do otherwise, is to embrace the darkness to some degree. Nobody is perfect at living in truth, yet in striving to emulate He Whom is full of Light and Truth, one can get closer to the Light.
You would think that with all the information available today at one's fingertips, and all the research that has been done the world over, that embracing truth should be an easy thing to do. Afterall, if studies can back it up, then it is true. It can be relied upon. Right?
While embracing truth is a simple act, it is not always easy for the reason previously mentioned: Truth has it's own demands.
However, the good thing about learning to abide in truth is that it gives us peace of mind when we embrace it and commit ourselves to living by its demands. When we do so, we experience a good feeling within us that confirms what we are doing is right. ...That it is good.
Life's Inconvenient Truths
The challenging thing about truth is that it often springs up on us unannounced. It just kind of presents it self, saying, "Here I am. Take me or leave me." If it so happens to be a convenient truth, say, for instance, like you just passed your bar exam, then you readily embrace it.
However, if the truth is inconvenient, say, for instance, that the coffee you have everyday for breakfast is an addictive diuretic. Once might respond, "This, of course, can't be true! I've been drinking this beverage my entire adult life. And it gets me going in the morning and gives me an edge so I can concentrate on my work."
Another truth, which can be inconvenient to some, is that there are studies on both sides of the coin that state the pros and cons of not only coffee, but any number of subjects. Verifying who is sponsoring a particular study can help shed some light of truth on the subject.
One truth to abide by for certain is to always, where possible, verify your sources. This is what a good journalist does. ... And this is what every truth seeker needs to do.
Life is replete with inconvenient truths. And there is a choice to be made every time we encounter one. The convenient ones require no effort on our part. However, if we embrace the inconvenient truths in our lives, and learn to live with them and strive to live up to their demands, we experience personal growth.
Truth: A Matter of Heart and Mind
The most logical and gifted mind can only weigh that truth which the heart is willing to embrace. When a person embraces a truth, and lives by it, this is wisdom. When a person exercises wisdom, they grow spiritually.
We have many choices to make each day of our life. And, with each choice we make, our course in life is determined. Truth governs the laws of nature, the laws of science, and it keeps the universe in perfect order. We do well when we align with it as we encounter it in our daily lives. If we think of it as a stepping stone in our own personal growth, perhaps we can view the inconvenient truths as opportunities for greater joy and satisfaction.
As you go through life, may you embrace the Light that enlightens minds and fill hearts with "...that peace ..., which passeth all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).
With warm regards,
It’s a good read.
Thank you, Harrison!