Acoustic Guitar Strumming

One Cool Summer Night…

You could have heard a pin drop, as I picked up the acoustic guitar and sat down on the edge of the diving board at the swimming pool on that cool, summer evening…
As I began to play some chords of a popular tune, the sweet tone of the acoustic guitar reverberated through the still, quiet night air. It was as if the instrument was plugged into an amp turned down low so as to permeate the heart, but not disturb the soul.
The sound wafted through the night air with an audible aroma-like effect akin to a fresh-baked sweet treat for the heart and mind. My soul stirred, as the sound vibrations emanating from the body of the acoustic guitar made me glad to be alive—and more particularly, thrilled that I had somehow in my short lifetime acquired the skill to play such a wonderful instrument!
For it allowed me the ability to capture the attention of my small group of friends with such fixed attention as they gave me on a cool summer night that, for one moment in time, I felt like..

…a Rock Star!

Hi! I’m Tom Ligi. …Such a memory had embedded in the deep recesses of my mind many years ago. For in that special moment—all time stood still, as the hearts of my small group of friends were touched through the quiet power and instrumentality of a simple acoustic guitar!
I recall the vivid details of that night: I walked out to the end of the diving board with acoustic guitar in hand and made myself comfortable. Once I settled in and began to play, the group gathered around the poolside to hear me, shushing each other so as to not miss a note.
I heard one of the girls say to another, “He’s playing that song on the radio,” as my mind drifted in and out of focus between the sweet enjoyment of playing one of my favorite songs—and the awareness that I had drawn a small appreciative crowd around me.
Such a night, when all the world felt right, the universe shined the light of a few of its stars on me—or at least, that’s how it felt!

The Acoustic Guitar: A Versatile Instrument

I’m happy to say that I’ve had many such experiences over the years. And the strange thing about it is this…
Many of these special events would not have taken place if it were not for the fact that I happen to play the acoustic guitar. And, when it comes down to it, playing the acoustic guitar simply has a wonderful effect on people—both players and listeners alike!
Think for a moment. …How is it that such a simple, yet versatile instrument can enrich your life in so many ways! Whether it is to move people in marvelous ways? And, if you would, ponder something else:
When you play the acoustic guitar for others, whether young or old, …you can touch their hearts for good! And that’s powerful!
Like …
…playing some popular tunes for a group of friends at a get-together. It could be a study break, a campout, or just a bunch of friends getting together to hang out. Pull out the acoustic guitar, and you just took that party up three notches!
…playing a set of tunes for a group of children at a daycare center. (The look of amazement on their little faces is quite memorable, to say the least. And the funny thing about it is you don’t have to play anything fancy. And your performance doesn’t have to be the perfect either for little kiddies. They love it all the same! Talk about having a great crowd to play for… You could hit a bunch of wrong notes and they won’t mind. By the way, the is good practice for building your confidence performing in front of a group.)
…cheering up residents at nursing homes. (By the way, have you ever had the experience of touching a soul so deeply that tears well up in their eyes? )
…performing sweet, inspirational music on your acoustic guitar up on the stand during a worship meeting. (To see the look of awe in the eyes of the members of the congregation can lift your spirit knowing your lifting others’.)…
…hitting the Big Stage. For those who have ambitions to take this path, the acoustic guitar is the perfect, versatile instrument to accompany yourself on solo gigs or to playing along with band! Take it practically anywhere!)

Acoustic Guitar Music Resonates with Millions
One season as I was watching American Idol on TV, I counted 22 individual auditions in which the singers accompanied themselves on the acoustic guitar! Maybe it has something to do with people like Phillip Phillips as well as other guitar players winning the show.
As well-accepted as the acoustic guitar has been in roots and popular music for well over a century, it continues to grow in popularity. The acoustic guitar has even surpassed the electric guitar in Google searches for the past couple years! And there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. At present, the acoustic guitar is embedded not only in Pop Culture, but in the private psyche of acoustic guitar lovers worldwide.

 It Can Happen to You!

Can you see yourself confidently playing the acoustic guitar …having the time of your life? Can you imagine being the instrument of touching people’s hearts for good? …Just you and your acoustic guitar?
Well, don’t be afraid to dream! …Because it can happen to you! You can start acquiring the skills that will enable you to pick up an acoustic guitar and play songs that not only lift your own heart and mind, but touch the souls of many others!
There are so many great things about playing the acoustic guitar, but one that comes to mind is this…
When playing the acoustic guitar, you can make it as public or as private as you want.
If you just want a chill buddy to relieve stress or take your mind off the pressing matters of the day—whether it be school, work, family responsibilities, or just life in general, the acoustic guitar can be like a friend for life—giving balance to abusy lifestyle.
Whether you want to relax your mind by strumming a few chords during a study break, play for a small group of friends, or take to the stage; learning to play the acoustic guitar is an achievable goal.
And SOONER than you may think!
Consider this:
The Acoustic Guitar Strumming course was created to get you up-and-strumming the acoustic guitar ASAP.
You see, you don’t have to be a “rock star” to play along with one! Or you can play solo, for that matter! Whatever suits your fancy. …Cover songs. …Original tunes. …Whichever. Once you’ve mastered the easy-to-learn techniques in Acoustic Guitar Strumming, you’ll be able to choose your own musical path…
Acoustic Guitar Strumming was designed with the beginning acoustic guitar student in mind. I know… I’ve been there! It could be frustrating in the early stages—especially when all you want to do is strum a few chords to one of your favorite songs. When you’re in that situation, you just can’t learn fast enough!
You want to play that song yesterday!
Fortunately, for you, I’ve eliminated all the unnecessary theory and jargon that slows down the learning process. With it’s clear, easy-to-follow instructions, diagrams and audio support (downloadable MP3 Chord Files), Acoustic Guitar Strumming will get you up-and-strumming as soon as possible. Just a few minutes each day, a couple times a week is all you need.
Fitting this user-friendly course into a busy schedule is easy, and learning to play the acoustic guitar with this course is definitely doable! And before long, you’ll be playing your favorite songs!

The Difference

What makes Acoustic Guitar Strumming unique is the Chord-Building Program, which allows you to start creating chords right away! No struggling through difficult-to-master chords… It’s just not necessary! Once the early steps are completed, you’ll be ready to slide right into the more challenging chords later in the course. But by that time, you’ll be ready for them, and you won’t miss a beat in the learning process!
When you finish the course—which will take a fraction of the time it would take to successfully complete other courses—you’ll be ready to jump right into playing many popular songbooks and sheet music available today. Just pick a popular acoustic guitar recording artist. …And chances are there are several songbooks published on them. You’ll find the same chords in these songbooks that you’ll learn step-by-step how to play in Acoustic Guitar Strumming.
Oh, and more good news: Since many popular acoustic guitarists chiefly play the same chords you’ll be learning in this course, you may even start playing some of their popular songs before you finish the entire course if you practice hard enough!
…So, reaching your goal of playing your favorite songs is actually much closer than you think!

Musical Instrument or Conversation Piece?

Did you ever wonder why so many people have an acoustic guitar sitting around in their closet or dorm room collecting dust? Some even set them out as a decorative embellishment to their living room! But when guests ask if anyone plays the acoustic guitar, with a little embarrassment, they reply with an awkward “no.”
Like many others, they fell in love with the wonderful sound of the acoustic guitar. Apparently, they fell so hard that they went out and got one so they can start making wonderful music themselves. Someone else bought them an acoustic guitar because they know how much they love acoustic guitar music.
It might have been a great idea in the beginning. They would get an acoustic guitar (or get one for someone they love), then they would learn how to play. …Then they had full, Major Chords, Minor Chords and Seventh Chords thrown at them! But …
…Playing major, minor, and 7th chords is extremely difficult in the beginning!
…Not to mention how many instructors skip over essential pointers that become deal breakers for the aspiring acoustic guitarist! For instance, new acoustic guitarists run into trouble with position. By not having the correct guidance on body posture, hand position and finger position, the student is …

…Set Up to Fail!

It’s not enough to just tell (or show through a video, for that matter) the student which fingers to place on the strings: If essential instructions are skipped or glossed over in the beginning stages, they will turn into stumbling blocks later on. Stumbling blocks that adversely affect the quality of the sound of the guitar AND impair the student’s ability to learn new techniques later on!
Did you ever hear what misplaced fingers sound like on a guitar? It’s not likely because it’s horrible, not to mention, embarrassing. It’s something that usually happens while practicing in private—when no one is around… It sounds so bad, that the beginning guitarist doesn’t want anyone to hear it. They don’t even want to hear it themselves. …because when they do, it’s unsettling! AND worse…

…It discouraging!

The frightening thing is that if the student isn’t taught the proper way to correct misplaced fingers, they’ll likely produce that eerie sound when they strum the chord. Unfortunately, TOO MANY students have this dreadful experience. And, when they do, they experience the “D-D-D !
Yes, the Dreaded Discouragement Dilemma! Many aspiring acoustic guitarists succumb to it. It’s absolutely dreadful! Because when a guitar student becomes discouraged, that’s it! …Their confidence wanes—if they ever acquired it. Then they eventually become discouraged. Not to mention the achie hands and fingers! Ouch!
Then their wonderful music-making instrument—that beautiful acoustic guitar they have laying around—gets demoted to dust collector!
When discouragement hits, it hits hard and fast. It leaves the student disillusioned at the prospect of realizing their dream of playing the acoustic guitar.
Another problem beginning students encounter is finger and hand fatigue. While playing the guitar does require some strength to hold down the chords, it shouldn’t be to the extreme. And achie hands and fingers certainly can take the fun out of playing this wonderful instrument.
When this happens, it could lead the student to believe they just aren’t strong enough or talented enough to play the acoustic guitar. Or their fingers are too short!  Or too fat…Wrong!
There are different things that can be done to avoid these problems, such as correctly positioning the arm, hand and fingers and choosing the right guitar. All this, and more, are covered in the Acoustic Guitar Strumming course.
For the acoustic guitar student, this means…
1. Less hand/finger fatigue
2. Less time required to master a chord
3. Less time to learn the chord progressions
4. More fun due to less strain
5. More confidence due to greater progress
6. More music due to more material mastered
7. Ability to play many favorite songs—plus your own songs, if you’re a songwriter! 🙂

Play Sooner than You Think!

A good teacher shows the student how to avoid the problems that frequently arise in the learning process—and how to correct them! Once corrected, those seemingly insignificant issues will no longer inhibit the learning process.
The saying, “The truth shall see you free,” certainly applies here. Once the student learns how to correctly position their hands and fingers in the beginning, they’re free to play unrestrained by BAD HABITS—which are difficult, if not impossible, to break later on.
With Acoustic Guitar Strumming’s unique Chord-Building Program, you’ll learn to easily position your hands and fingers the correct way right from the start. It provides a solid foundation of knowledge and skill that will make you a better player.
This course combines correct instruction to help you learn proper technique in an easy-to-learn process. But the greatest thing about it is…


As soon as you begin implementing the steps in the Chord-Building Program, you’ll find yourself playing chords on your acoustic guitar that are 50-80% easier to play than the full major, minor and seventh chords that you’ll learn later in the course! Therefore, …
You won’t have to wait until you’ve completed the course before you begin strumming chords!
You’ll be doing it early on. Then you’ll be one step closer to playing along with your favorite recording artists, doing solo gigs, playing in a band, or even creating your own music on the acoustic guitar!

Don’t Become a Guitar Dropout!

Sadly, many a student who’ve chosen “other paths” have become a guitar dropout. Why? Because they..
…became overwhelmed with the instructor’s methods.
…thought they could learn on their own and got overwhelmed once they got into the thick of it,
…didn’t get the right kind of instruction to build their confidence.
…didn’t get step-by-step lessons that taught them precisely what they needed to do to create beautiful, clear tone on their acoustic guitar.
…got bogged down with unnecessary jargon and theory.
…got bored because the lesson material didn’t apply to the types of songs they want to play.
…never had a positive learning experience that left them feeling good about themselves and wanting to continue to practice.
Instead, what they did get was… DISCOURAGED!

Musical Talent vs. Musical Skill

They say there are those who do and those who teach. But, when it comes to having a good teacher, you need someone who is good at doing the teaching! 🙂
I’ve been playing the acoustic guitar for many years, and I’m so excited to make Acoustic Guitar Strumming available to you. I wanted to create a course that anyone who can follow the clear, simple instructions can learn to play the guitar. It doesn’t matter whether you have musical talent or not. This course was written in such a way that even a person who can’t carry a tune can learn to play the acoustic guitar! It’s true… Just follow the Chord-Building Program, and you’ll be creating great music sooner than you think!
To create a course that would yield excellent results, I drew upon my communications and teaching background. I’m a trained professional communications specialist (online & print) with a B.A. in Communication Arts. I have written many articles, online communications pieces, and edited educational textbooks for a worldwide educational publisher.  In addition, I’ve taught many students from teens to adults in a voluntary organization on a part-time basis for over 20 years!
Through many inservice training sessions and in the classroom, I’ve learned a lot about teaching over the years. I’ve honed my teaching skills and have developed a passion for it! …And I just love to help people, too. To see a student have that “ah-hah” moment is priceless! Then you KNOW you’re doing your job!  To me, this is priceless!
I guess that’s why I love the acoustic guitar and teaching so much.  Both provide the intrinsic reward I needs in and of themselves.  Plus, I get another intrinsic reward seeing others benefit from them also!  Whether I am performing on the acoustic guitar or teaching others how to play it—for me—it’s all good!
So, what it comes down to is this:  Since I am passionate about playing the acoustic guitar AND teaching, this works out to your advantage.  You see…
I always see things through the eye of an artist (the big picture) …as an acoustic guitarist!  But when I put my professional teacher-communicator hat on, I am all business.  The truth is in the details!  And my top priority is to make those details easier for you by:
breaking down important concepts and making them clear to you.
illustrating the concepts in a manner that yields results: You playing guitar ASAP!
trimming the fat by eliminating useless, time-consuming, jargon that impedes progress.
offering encouragement along the way.
There are many great acoustic guitar players out there. And many have produced guitar courses. The Internet is full of them! However, many courses start getting pretty technical right away and are often narrow in scope, which may not be such a good approach for a beginner.  Students can get painted into a corner in a style of music they’re not interested in pursuing.
If you get lost or bored among the details, or go in a direction that’s not right for you—after spending time and money—what good would it be?  Are you beginning to understand why so many aspiring acoustic guitarists end up quitting?
…quitting long before they reach the point of confidently playing strumming any of their favorite songs on the acoustic guitar?
It doesn’t have to be that way.  Fortunately, for beginners (or virtual beginners), there is another way…

The Acoustic Guitar Beginner’s Advantage

Acoustic Guitar Strumming prepares you to jump in and begin strumming the acoustic guitar in as short a time as possible (ASAP). It’s well-stocked with essential information and secrets to enable you to successfully play the acoustic guitar. It’s progressive by design—helping you move along in a highly-productive manner. In other words, you quickly learn the things that will help you start playing right away.
(And if you want to cut to the chase even faster, you have the option of starting at the JUMPSTART SECTION so you can begin creating and playing chords even sooner!)
I admit it…
There are so many approaches to take when learning to play the acoustic guitar, with all the different styles and techniques. It can be like a maize trying to find the right resources to precisely match your needs. And the challenging thing is to match the right course with your goals as a beginning acoustic guitarist.
With Acoustic Guitar Strumming, you gain a solid foundation of creating and strumming chords on the acoustic guitar. It is general in nature so it’s easy to learn and can be applied to many different types of music!  You don’t get locked into one type of theory or style.  And you won’t have to worry about spending your precious time going down a narrow road that limits you in the long run, impeding your personal fulfillment.
The technique and chord vocabulary you gain from mastering the material in this course will enable you to play countless popular tunes. Whether it’s Country, Folk, Rock, Folk Rock, Pop, Christian, Celtic, or Bluegrass, you name it. You’ll be ready to jump right into a wide assortment of musical genres once you’ve completed this course.

Simply put…

If you want to cut to the chase and get up-and-strumming chords on the acoustic guitar AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, this is your path to a lifetime of making music!
This course will enrich your life! And I am so thrilled to offer it to you because…
..this course will open up a whole new world through a lifetime of musical enrichment for you. Not to mention your loved ones, and many others whom you may influence through your music.. …Music that you’ll create on your own acoustic guitar!


So, if you’re ready for your own “cool” summer night, you’re just a couple clicks away from embarking on what I like to call the Acoustic Guitar Life! If you can see yourself leading a sing-along, taking a musical study break, or even writing your own songs—with acoustic guitar in hand—this is your opportunity to get started…
Whether you’re gathered with a group of friends around the campfire, …during the Fall when the foliage is at its peak. Or with an intimate group of friends on New Year’s Eve, a birthday party. Or whatever other special event it is, …you’ll be ready to pull out your acoustic guitar and add the proverbial icing on the cake to whatever special event you want to enhance!
And if you just want to strum a few chords in private so you can rest your mind from the stresses of each day, there is nothing more soothing than the sweet tone of the acoustic guitar. As soon as you pick it up and begin to strum the strings, you’ll be transported to another place—a place of peace, comfort, joy, excitement—whatever you want, or need, it to be!
All of this is waiting for you! Whatever your definition of the Acoustic Guitar Life might be—whether playing for an audience or solely for your own enjoyment, for fun or fun profit, this course will give you the knowledge, skills, and CONFIDENCE to play a wide variety of music!
So, if this is what you want, don’t delay! Take advantage of the present deal that’s going on right now. I cannot guarantee this offer will last, so jump in and take advantage of the special offer going on right now!


If you’re serious about enriching your life with the wonderful sounds of the acoustic guitar—created by you—then I recommend you make this investment in YOU right now!
So, what are you waiting for?  Get started today!

Tom Ligi, Author & Publisher
P.S. I forgot to mention: The course includes a special section on restringing your guitar, breaking in new strings, and tuning your acoustic guitar so it ALWAYS SOUNDS just as it was meant to sound:  GREAT!
P.P.S.  Don’t forget: Included with the course, students gain FREE ACCESS to downloadable Chord Audio Files.  Then you’ll always know how your chords should sound!  🙂